Balancing the Narrative: Communications Guidelines for Indigenous-led Conservation

This document extends the communications guidelines for engaging with Indigenous Partners, developed by Nature United, which have evolved over several years of collaborative experience.

Climate Justice in the Context of an Ailing Economy: The Case of Zimbabwe

Climate justice, as both a concept and a movement, acknowledges that the impacts of climate change will vary across communities, leading to unequal effects based on factors such as race, socio-economic status, social class, gender, age, disability, sexuality, geographic location, and other social identities. Learn about the case of Zimbabwe.

Susu Tells a Creation Story — Act 1

Black and brown communities are disproportionately impacted by environmental racism and other by-products of systemic racism. The susu system helped members of Aaliyah’s community create social programs that helped them survive in the face of unwelcoming financial institutions, environmental injustice, and harsh food deserts.

Violence on the Land, Violence in our Bodies: Building an Indigenous Response to Environmental Justice

A partnership of Women’s Earth Alliance and Native Youth Sexual Health Network

ReconciliAction G&R Investigation | Kanehsata:ke Land Reserve

G&R is a construction waste material dump on the Kanehsata:ke Land Reserve. G&R has breached numerous permit conditions and continues to leak dangerous materials into the surrounding environment.

2021 Year in Review

In celebration of our one year anniversary.

Climate Change in African Nova Scotian Communities Workshops Report

Final report; the principal applicant was Dr. Ingrid Waldron and the workshop facilitator and author was ClimAction Services.