Bill C-226
Advocates call for Senate to vote on environmental racism legislation before summer recess.
Tune in to this interview with former MP Lenore Zann, discussing Bill C-226: what is it, actions regular folks can take, and why it matters.
Join us in calling on the Senate to pass Bill C-226. Add your voice and sign the petition.
Bill C-226 passed the second reading vote in the Senate on October 26th, 2023. The bill now advances to the Energy committee for further review.
It has been a long road in the fight to pass a federal environmental justice bill. Read this backgrounder for information on the beginning stages of Bill C-226, as well as CCECJ’s contributions and unwavering support for Bill C-226, the National Strategy Respecting Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice Act.
Dr. Ingrid Waldron speaks to the Pointer about environmental racism coming to light with proposed Bill C-226; while new law enshrines environmental justice in Canada.
Advocates urge the Senate to refer Bill C-226 to committee before summer recess.
This national action campaign is being led by the CCECJ. Bill C-226, if it becomes legislation, will be an effective tool for addressing environmental racism in Indigenous, Black, and other racialized communities across Canada.